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Where the world’s

DTC Brands Meet

Who we are

We are passionate shoppers like you who like to stumble upon amazing little things, a little sock organizer that can bring unexpected tidiness to life, and that little garden tool that can help fix a year-long problem.

You see, there are millions of new products with new designs being made every year, some of them good, some of them not so much, but it will take years even decades for us to find out with traditional distribution channels.

It is a problem we are on a mission to solve by incorporating powerful social media engines to quickly test and find out what products are good, so we can work closely with their makers to form a strong direct-to-consumers partnership. In that way we can offer our customers the newest, most trendy products and designs with great value!


DTC (direct-to-consumers) retail

We work closely with manufacturers and producers all over the globe. By skipping the traditional distribution channels, we pass the savings onto you. This way, not only you can find the newest products that are difficult to see in a physical store, but you can also place an order in the comfort of your home at the best price.

We believe that

  1. Innovations shouldn’t take years to be adopted.
  2. The customer is always right.
  3. Value but not price is the best metric for a curated catalog
  4. There is a product for everything!

